What various methods did President Kennedy utilize to contain communism around the world?

JFK | Commodity

JFK and Communism

In the fall of 1963 American efforts to build a democratic firewall against Communism in South Vietnam were declining. The country'due south president, Ngo Dinh Diem, ran the nation similar a fiefdom. Many Vietnamese began to gravitate toward the Communist opposition. In the White House, a frustrated John F. Kennedy struggled to get Diem -- and the Communist insurgency -- under control.

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President and Mrs. Kennedy greet members of the 2506 Cuban Invasion Brigade. Miami, Florida, December 29, 1962. Courtesy: John F. Kennedy Library and Museum.

Kennedy had outlined his plan for stopping the spread of communism in his inauguration spoken language ii years before. America would, he said, "pay any price, bear whatever burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and success of liberty." Developing nations could expect America to "aid them assistance themselves."

The young president'south first battle with Communism came just three months subsequently his inauguration -- in Fidel Castro'due south Cuba. With the back up of the Soviet Union, Republic of cuba had been working to export its revolutionary ethics to other Latin American countries. Castro's message of revolution was well received in the region, where many people struggled under repressive regimes. Only in the United states, Castro was seen every bit a growing threat.

Nether President Dwight Eisenhower, the C.I.A. had prepared a plan for an invasion of Republic of cuba. Cuban exiles covertly trained and armed by the U.s.a. would attack Cuba's declension at the Bay of Pigs. Intelligence analysts believed that the Cuban people would rise up in support of the invaders and topple Castro.

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Fidel Castro and Nikita Khrushchev, Courtesy: Getty Images

Kennedy approved the invasion, and on April 17, 1961, it began. Their forces vastly outnumbered, the invasion forces were swiftly turned back; the U.S. connection quickly emerged. Kennedy, the purported defender of freedom and democracy, had been caught interfering with the internal diplomacy of a sovereign nation. Mayhap more significantly, he had failed to provide American air support for the beleaguered invaders. Bay of Pigs was a fiasco for the Kennedy administration. Before long thereafter, the Soviets made a play for Berlin.

In the divided German urban center, backer democracy proved all also alluring for East Germans. They fled to W Berlin by the thousands, embarrassing the Soviets and threatening the Communist hold on Eastern Europe. In June 1961 Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev threatened to accept West Berlin under Communist rule by force.

John Kennedy had long ago learned the lesson of appeasement in Europe. He met Khrushchev'southward challenge with a force of his own, increasing the size of America's combat forces and obtaining billions of dollars for nuclear and conventional weapons. Khrushchev parried, dividing Berlin with a cement wall, spinous wire, and a line of regular army tanks. The enemies stared at each other across the wall, but the peace held.

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The President with Krushchev in Vienna, 1961. Courtesy: U.S. Department of Country.

Khrushchev continued to probe for American weakness. In response to the Bay of Pigs and to American nuclear missiles posted near the Russian border in Turkey, the Soviet leader approved the installation of nuclear missiles in Cuba. An American reconnaissance plane discovered the missile sites in October, 1962.

For days, Kennedy and his advisors heatedly debated a range of military machine and diplomatic responses. Finally, a decision was reached: while the gamble of war was great, to show weakness might be worse.

On Oct 22, in a televised accost, Kennedy revealed the crisis to the American public. He announced a naval "quarantine," or blockade, of Cuba which would remain in upshot until the Soviets withdrew their missiles. He also warned that the launching of Cuban missiles against any nation in the Western Hemisphere would exist regarded as an attack on the United States and would outcome in a "total retaliatory response" on the Soviet Union. The earth stood closer than it e'er had to full-scale nuclear war.

Within a week, Khrushchev capitulated -- merely not without some American concessions. The Soviets withdrew their missiles in render for public assurances that the U.South. would not invade Republic of cuba. In improver, Kennedy secretly agreed to withdraw missiles from the Turkish bases.

Berlin and the Cuban Missile Crunch were decided quickly, only other situations would not be resolved as quickly. In South Vietnam, the Communist insurgency showed no signs of letting upward.

Some of Kennedy'due south "advisers" warned him that American interest could mire America in a bloody, protracted war. Despite these warnings, the president increased financial and military aid to the Diem government. By the end of 1962, more than than 15,000 American advisors were in South Vietnam, and U.s. spending at that place had passed the $2 billion mark. The results were not encouraging.

Diem seemed more interested in establishing an autocratic regime than he did in promoting democracy. He consolidated power among his family members and refused to share power with local leaders. A Catholic, Diem oppressed the Buddhists who made up the overwhelming majority of South Vietnam's population. Kennedy threatened Diem with a loss of American assist if he did not plant autonomous reforms. Diem ignored these warnings, and back up for the Communists grew.

As 1963 wore on, Kennedy considered his options. He could commit further, even send in American combat troops. He could withdraw, and permit the Communists merits victory. Kennedy found neither solution palatable. Then another option developed. Some of Diem's generals began to plot a coup confronting their leader. Kennedy, who had promised to help developing nations help themselves, gave his approval.

On November 2, 1963, Ngo Dinh Diem died at the hands of his generals. In Due south Vietnam, citizens responded positively to the insurrection. With Diem out of the fashion, hopes rose that South Vietnam could stave off the Communists.

Less than two weeks afterward Diem's decease, Kennedy himself was assassinated. The human who promised the globe he would stand up upwards to the Communists had done so -- for ameliorate and for worse. At present another Common cold Warrior, Lyndon Baines Johnson, would take his place. And in the jungles of Vietnam, America'due south bloodiest Cold State of war confrontation was only start.


Source: https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/jfk-foreign-affairs/

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