Why Does the Suns Light Get Smaller Until a Point Then Gets Larger Again

Daily Do

Why Is Our Sun So Big and Bright?

Why Is Our Sun So Big and Bright?

Welcome to NSTA's Daily Exercise

Teachers and families across the country are facing a new reality of providing opportunities for students to exercise  science through distance and domicile learning. The Daily Exercise is i of the ways NSTA is supporting teachers and families with this endeavour. Each weekday, NSTA will share a sensemaking task teachers and families can utilize to appoint their students inaccurate, relevant science learning.We encourage families to make time for family science learning (science is a social procedure!) and are defended to helping students and their families find balance between learning science and the solar day-to-twenty-four hour period responsibilities they have to stay healthy and safety.

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What is sensemaking?

Sensemaking is actively trying to figure out how the globe works (science) or how to blueprint solutions to problems (applied science). Students exercise science and applied science through the science and engineering practices. Engaging in these practices necessitates students be part of a learning community to exist able to share ideas, evaluate competing ideas, give and receive critique, and reach consensus. Whether this community of learners is made up of classmates or family members, students and adults build and refine science and engineering knowledge together.


In unproblematic school, students begin to effigy out our place in the universe. They develop an agreement that stars vary in their size and distance from Earth. The sun is a medium size star that appears larger and brighter than other stars because information technology is closer to u.s.a.. In centre and high school, students build on their understanding of space and are able to explain how our solar system and galaxy formed. This includes using scientific discipline ideas about all stars give off visible light and other forms of energy and how the report of the free energy given off past stars helps scientists figure out the formation, age, and composition of the universe.

In today'due south task,Why is our Sun so big and bright?, students and their families appoint in scientific discipline and engineering practices and use the thinking tool of patterns to make sense of the science idea the Sunday appears larger and brighter than other stars in the night sky because it is closer.

Science Ideas "Why is our Sun so large and bright?" Builds On

Before you and your students engage with today'southward task, students demand to have an understanding that (1) stars produce their ain lite and other objects are only seen by reflecting light from stars, and (2) the Sun is a star. You might share the What Are Stars? video to create an opportunity for students to share their understanding almost these ideas or build on their understanding.

Experiencing the Miracle

Share these two pictures of stars with your students. Inquire students to make and record observations of the stars in the pictures. You might ask them to create a t-chart with i side labeledSimilaritiesand the other side labeledDifferences. As well encourage your students to record questions on the facing page in a science notebook or below their tape of observations.

Ask students to share some of their observations and some of their questions with a partner or pocket-sized group. If you lot are teaching remotely, students tin can share their observations and questions using an application similar Jamboard. Then ask students to share their observations and questions with the class. Consider creating a class record of observations and questions that you can together refer to during as you move through the task.

Some of the questions children will have accost the differences in the effulgence and size between the sun and stars we come across at night. We volition investigate each of these differences.

Investigating Difference in Brightness of Stars

Students can collaboratively plan and carry out their own investigation to answer the question why some stars are brighter than others. You might inquire students questions like:

  • What can we utilise to represent the light coming from stars? (flashlight)
  • How tin nosotros brand the calorie-free appear brighter or dimmer? (move the flashlight closer to and farther away from a wall or the flooring)
  • What should we notice? (how brilliant the light appears, the size of the puddle of lite produced by the flashlight)
  • What should we measure? (distance between the flashlight and the wall or the floor, size of the pool of light)

Starting with ane flashlight, investigate what causes the sun to appear much brighter than all the other stars in the sky. Have children record what they did (including whatsoever measurement they made like the distances between flashlight and wall) and their observations. As y'all walk around the room, you might ask students if they discover a pattern in their data (observations). You might enquire, "How do you think this pattern tin assist you explain why the Sun is brighter than other stars?"

Enquire students to share their initial ideas to explain the phenomenon of the Sun being much brighter than other stars by creating a model. The model should include pictures and symbols, only also words to draw the components (parts of the model) and interactions (how the parts of the model interact to explain their observations). Ask them include the flashlight at two or more positions. You might create a template with two (or more) panels labeled "Flashlight close to the wall" and "Flashlight far from the wall".

Initially, student models may look like this:

Initial Student Model

Discuss with students what needs to be included in the model so that others can empathize what the model is trying to explain. Children volition identify the low-cal source and the pool of light formed past the calorie-free source. Enquire what is missing from the model past pointing to the space in between the flashlight and the pool of low-cal. Children will so recognize that there is a axle of light in that space. Give students an opportunity to add together labels and a representation of a light beam(south) to their models.

Revised Student Model Labeling Light Beam

Students completed models should show how the pool of light changes equally the flashlight moves closer to and farther away from the wall. If you are continuing at the wall, how would this announced to your eye? In what position of the flashlight would the light be bright? At what position of the flashlight would the light on the wall look dim?

At this point, children tin give either an oral or written explanation of how the distance from the source of low-cal touch how bright that light announced. They should include the idea that the pool of light appears to "fade away" and gets dimmer as it gets further away from the light source.

Investigating Difference in Size of Stars

Well-nigh students empathise that an object that is close appears larger than the same object at a altitude. A unproblematic fashion to have all students experience this is to go outside and stand close to an object. Ask them to use their thumb and forefinger to measure the superlative of an object. Students tin can use a ruler to mensurate the distance betwixt their thumb and forefinger. Students should record the measurement.

Walk at least 50 paces abroad from the object and ask students to measure the same object again using their thumb and forefinger.

Enquire students, "What do you discover?" and "Does the actual size of the object alter?" Ask students to depict the cause and effect relationship between distance from the object and the size information technology appears to be. Yous might provide them a judgement starter like, "When I am far from the object, then ________."

Stop Sign with Thumb and Forefinger to Measure

Create a Model

The adjacent footstep is to help educatee connect their understandings from the two investigation to explain what causes the sun to appear brighter than other stars. With the students, create a list of components that need to be included in their model (a model "must-have" list). This list should include the sun (remind students that the sun is an average size star), other stars in the sky, the Earth, and the light given off by the sunday and other stars. Hash out how nosotros (the class) tin can stand for bright light nigh the source of light and the light getting dimmer as altitude from the light source increases. (Some ideas are using a colour for the light beam that gets lighter as it moves away from the light source, or starting with a solid line and moving into a dashed or dotted line.) Remind students to include a key if they use symbols or colors (if the colors are designed to denote an aspect of the model). They should also employ words and symbols to assist explicate their ideas.

You might share the pupil models below or ask students to share their models in pocket-size groups. Inquire students to place similarities and differences between their models and other students' models. After this give-and-take, allow students to revise their ain models. You might choose to create a class consensus model. This can exist done by asking student groups to share the similarities between their models; as each similarity is shared, add it to the class model (fatigued on a whiteboard, poster newspaper etc.)


Every bit an extension of this activeness, ask students view the picture show below and answer to the post-obit questions:

Imagine that you are at betoken A looking at the flashlight and and then move to indicate B.

  • How would the low-cal coming from the flashlight expect unlike?
  • What if you continued to expect at the flashlight and moved to a point outside the picture?
  • Could you move to a signal far away where you lot could no longer see the calorie-free? What real life experiences do you lot accept that help you answer this question? Explain your thinking.
Person Shining Flashlight into Starry Night

Go back to the questions generated at the beginning of the lesson. Students will have many other questions about the objects shown in the sky. Some questions that students may have:

  • What are shooting stars?
  • What are constellations?
  • I've heard that stars accept dissimilar colors. What do the colors of stars hateful?
  • Why do stars twinkle?
  • What are some other objects we can meet in the sky? How can nosotros see these other objects, exercise they give off lite and energy similar stars?

As a grade, decide what y'all should investigate adjacent. Y'all might also provide grade-appropriate text, charts and media to pursue the answer to these questions.

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Source: https://www.nsta.org/lesson-plan/why-our-sun-so-big-and-bright

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